Here are just a few of the advantages of choosing international study. 1. Start your career off on the right foot Graduates who’ve chosen to study internationally are highly sought after by employers. Pursuing a degree overseas signal to employers that you have courage, flexibility, cultural aw...
Here are just a few of the advantages of choosing international study. 1. Start your career off on the right foot Graduates who’ve chosen to study internationally are highly sought after by employers. Pursuing a degree overseas signal to employers that you have courage, flexibility, cultural aw...
The truth is there is so much that you can gain out of it and that is why studying abroad is an opportunity that you should grab today. Of course, if you have a courageous spirit then you should try it. After all, it is just like hitting two birds with one stone; you will be st...
Well,certainlynoteveryonespeaksEnglish. AccordingtotheCIAWorldFactBook,only5.6%oftheworld'stotal populationspeaksEnglishasaprimarylanguage.Thatnumberdoubleswhen peoplewhospeakEnglishasasecondorthirdlanguagearecounted.By conservativeestimates,thatmeansthatwelloverfour-fifthsoftheworld's populationdoesnotspeakEnglish. It...
Being part of an internationally diverse academic community can also enhance the quality of your learning, providing a wider spectrum of opinions and expertise – a point made by Professor Kimberly Hutchings, program director of the MSc in International Relations at the London School of Economics and...
of an internationally trained workforce, especially in the areas of science and technology. Students return home with new skills and ideas that they can use to contribute to the development of their country. Additionally, networking can lay the foundation for future cooperation in the economic ...
Also, it draws on the results of a research performed at the Faculty of Economics with 1st and 2nd year students. The research is based on the assumption that the language courses offered at the Faculty of Economics should provide students with internationally comparable proof of their language ...
degrees offered here are internationally acclaimed with the training provided being world-class. Students who graduate from any university in the UK will easily be able to enter the career market anywhere in the world especially due to the stellar training they receive during the final year of ...
The program offered at this university is student-oriented and practice-based. Since it is one of the oldest and leading medical universities in the country, candidates will be able to delve into internationally acclaimed research topics. The longitudinal curriculum in this program deals with everyda...
Proficiency in Chinese will provide a gateway to future job opportunities, both locally and internationally. In a globalising world, businesses are always looking for employees who can speak Chinese since it is the most widely spoken language in the world. Through Chinese tuition, secondary school ...