Medical marijuana helps treat some conditions, but it may be harmful in other situations. The effects of cannabis are often person-dependent. The form and method of consuming cannabis may affect how you react to it. Dabbing, smoking, and vaping can be risky and damage the throat and lungs...
Common Name(s): Anascha, Banji, Bhang, Cannabis, Cannador, Charas, Dagga, Dimba, Esrar, Ganga, Ganja, Hashish, Hemp, Idrasil, Kief, Kif, Machona, Marihuana, Marijuana, Sawi, Shesha, Suma, VingoryMedically reviewed by Last updated on Nov 20, 2024....
Also, the FDA doesn't oversee medical marijuana like it does prescription drugs, except purified and lab-made versions approved for certain uses. Although states monitor and regulate sales, they often don’t have the resources to do so effectively. That means the strengths and ingredients of ma...
Also, the FDA doesn't oversee medical marijuana like it does prescription drugs, except purified and lab-made versions approved for certain uses. Although states monitor and regulate sales, they often don’t have the resources to do so effectively. That means the strengths and ingredients of ma...
The effects of combinations of intranasal cocaine, smoked marijuana, and task performance on heart rate and blood pressure. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 1990;36:311-315.2162543 Foltin RW, Fischman MW, Levin FR. Cardiovascular effects of cocaine in humans: laboratory studies. Drug Alcohol Depend. 1995;...
What are the health risks of marijuana? On the other hand, inhaled marijuana isn’t the best for the lungs, especially over the long term, and smoking cannabis while pregnant may be associated with lower birth weight. Driving while intoxicated in any way is also a recipe for possibly tragedy...
PubMed was searched with combinations of the mesh terms “Cannabis” or “Cannabinoid” or “Marijuana” or “Medical Marihuana” or “Medical cannabis” or “Pharmaceutical cannabis”. Our search procedure gave priority to systematic reviews and meta-analyses of research on cannabis and cannabinoids...
On the one hand, recreational marijuana use has been associated with other unhealthy behaviors such as a high-calorie diet, smoking, and other drug use [46]. However, studies drawing these associations were limited. Simply put, not all people who use marijuana recreationally lead unhealthy lives...
Linoleic acid is readily oxidized by delta 6-desaturase to γ-linolenic acid (18:3-n6), but several factors such as aging, nutrition, smoking impair the activity of the enzyme. Gamma linolenic elongation step to dihomo-γ-linolenic acid (20:3-n6) is rapid; yet, it is oxidized by delta...
Experts advise against using strains of cannabis with THC while trying to get pregnant, during pregnancy, and while breastfeeding. THC might harm a developing fetus.20For example, pregnant people who use THC may have a 2.3 times greater risk of stillbirth than others.21 ...