SiC devices are opening up advanced applications in the most important fields of electronics, and its proper- ties allow the performance of existing semiconductor technology to be extended. As a binary compound containing equal amount of silicon and carbon atoms in a hexagonal crystal struc- ...
Silicon carbide diodes are mostly Schottky diodes. The first commercial SiC Schottky diodes were introduced more than ten years ago. Since that date, these devices have been incorporated into many power supply systems. The diodes were upgraded to SiC power switches such as Jfet, Bjt and Mosfet. ...
and hence before the advent of the combustion engine, Werner von Siemens presented his electric generator based on the dynamo-electric principle at the World’s Fair in Paris. The invention enabled low-cost, flexible generation of electricity wherever it was...
Baja California is Mexico’s Silicon Valley, with over 200 electronics companies operating in the region. Tijuana, Mexico is a top production city and produces leading electronic equipment and products – including more than 20 million TVs per year.Super...
Based on silicon rather than quartz, MEMS technology offers a lower cost and more readily available path toward miniaturization. MEMS devices take advantage of lithographic techniques, so there is not a practical limit to the size improvements. More specifically, the footprint size and frequency rema...
Infineon is also working on technology innovations to make electronics even more powerful and efficient. An example of this is the use of new semiconductor materials such assilicon carbide. In certain applications, chips made from silicon carbide enable more power and higherenergy efficiencythan tradit...
Types of Power Cords Thomas Edison developed the power distribution system in 1882. He wrapped a copper rod in jute, a soft shiny fiber from plants, as an insulator. The jute wrapped copper rod was placed in a pipe with a bituminous compound......
It offers optimal thermal management, adeptly channeling heat away from the silicon die. All while ensuring enhanced performance reliability. Its architecture is innovative, allowing for a high density of interconnections. This remarkable feature makes PBGA it useful for devices like smartphones, gaming...
Low number of device interconnects Shock and vibration resistant Easy Transportation Uses of Flex PCB Because of its flexibility, space saving and light weight; manyelectronic companies in the worlduse these boards in several electronic devices and gadgets. Following are some of the uses of a flexib...
Transistors can be made from either inorganic or organic materials, or a mix of both. FlexEnable fabricates transistors using organic materials which replace the silicon and hard ceramic materials with soft, carbon-based materials. The organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs) we use are known as Fle...