How has data sharing emerged between companies? What types of benefits have companies reached by sharing data? Those are the two research questions we are answering in this study. Additionally, we map the trajectory of data sharing technologies and their benefits for companies. External strategic ...
Evidence that nitrogen (N) fertilization tends to accelerate maturation as well as increase rates of growth has received little attention when diagnosing N deficiencies in corn (Zea mays L.). Such a tendency could be a potential source of errors when the diagnosis is solely based on comparing ...
"In the past, residents had to go to government offices to handle administrative affairs, but now things can be done with a few clicks of the mouse thanks to government data sharing," said Zhang Xiao, deputy director of the China Internet Network Information Center. "With the opening of gov...
In the first systemic investigation of participants' views on open consent in the Personal Genome Project, researchers found that greater transparency and full disclosure of the risks involved in public sharing of genetic and health data could encourage, rather than deter, participation in human resear...
Decentralized Online Learning (online learning in decentralized networks) attracts more and more attention, since it is believed that Decentralized Online Learning can help the data providers cooperatively better solve their online problems without sharing their private data to a third party or other prov...
Data Mesh Architecture is an architecture paradigm that offers self configure, self-service architecture design embracing the distributed, diverse nature of the data while leveraging Domain-Driven Design. A paradigm where database, pipelines, structure, and code language correspond with the business domai...
There is increasing recognition of the importance of sharing research data within the international scientific community, but also of the ethical and social challenges this presents, particularly in the context of structural inequities and varied capacity in international research. Public involvement is ess...
A multicloud architecture is born when an organization integrates cloud platforms or services from two or more providers. Sharing data between clouds is a common driver of integration. Depending on the need for data security or low latency, integration can be as easy as defining access methods be...
(Data) sharing is caring At Edge Hill Students’ Union, we have spent the last three years, constructing and refining our data-sharing agreement with Edge Hill University, working closely with compliance and IT teams. We now view this document as one of the key pillars of our engagement stra...
The Internet, the state library and the implementation of statewide information policy: the case of the NYS GIS clearinghouse Data sharing can therefore help reduce costs of GIS application development and yield considerable benefits and efficiencies. To achieve this purpose, the ... SS Dawes,S Osk...