We surveyed scientific and gray literature platforms utilizing particular keywords. We then classified these values using integrated approaches to understand different values across human welfare assets of “health,”“material and immaterial assets,”“security or safety” and “social or cultural or ...
Moreover, scholars see reviewing as an essential part of their job. They know that the effort they put in is reciprocated by others when they submit their own work to journals. Many also want to have advanced access to the latest work in their field, or as an activity that can be used...
Help maintain the integrity of scientific literature Peer review allows researchers and the wider public to have confidence in the robustness of the scientific process. This is vital to ensuring research can continue by reassuring funders and the public that they can trust research output. “To ...
From the literature based on surveys and on case studies, it is clear that the benefits from public investment in basic research can take a variety of forms. We classify these into six main categories, reviewing the evidence on the nature and extent of each type. The relative importance of ...
the Impacts of Mainstream Hydropower on the Mekong River (MDS), and the MRC's recent council study (CS)—in order to provide the basis for a comparative analysis of the major impact evaluation literature on mainstream dam construction in the Mekong River Basin for the period of 2010–2018. ...
【2】 Great literature (文学作品) forces readers to step outside themselves to understand the characters they’re reading about. According to a study published in 2013, people who love fiction have an easier time sensing and understanding other people’s feelings.Reading can lower stress. Feel ...
The Sexual Acceptability of Contraception: Reviewing the Literature and Building a New Concept 2016, Journal of Sex Research Risk perceptions and subsequent sexual behaviors after HPV vaccination in adolescents 2014, Pediatrics Investigating Adolescent Health Communication: A Corpus Linguistics Approach 2014,...
This paper aims to understand the existing approaches of applying visual art into STEM dominated education system and explore the feasible and efficient way to integrate visual art into current STEM system through a comprehensive literature review. Methodology In order to provide a comprehensive ...
This being a relatively upcoming field, there is a dearth of literature pertaining to mobile money transactions. This paper attempts to bridge this gap by reviewing literature on mobile money on the following aspects: understanding concept of Mobile Money and its ecosystem, mobile money success ...
of various grape cultivars, an aspect scarcely addressed in the prevailing literature. This research aims to deepen the understanding of the precise contributions of grape bioactives to disease prevention and health enhancement, potentially leading to refined dietary recommendations and the advancement of ...