Certain studies have even pointed to the benefits of push-ups for specific muscle groups. For example, a 2014 study by theJournal of Sports Science & Medicinereported that the standard push-up increasesactivation of the pectoralsand the deltoids, the muscles attached to the front, side ...
When doing a modified push up, men have a 16.7% higher maximal load relative to women as well Men experience a 6.1% and 6.2% greater load during the static down position of a push up compared to women Men’s full vertical range of motion (ROM) is 35.1% higher when doing a traditional...
Contrary to popular belief, push-ups aren’t just for thearms, chest, and back. In essence, push-ups are a full-body exercise that makes use of almost every muscle group in the body. Aproper push-upinvolves activation of thecoreand lower body,strengthening the legsand building lean muscle...
2. Staggered Push-Up Here we have a unilateral push-up variation, where one side of the body is doing most of the work. “One hand is placed close to the body, and is the arm doing most of the work executing the push-up, while the other is forward at about a 45-degree angle—...
1. It Modifies the Push-Up The incline push-up is probably the most highly recommended push-up modification. While some trainers say push-ups on your knees are OK, others note that the incline push-up better mimics the motion of a full push-up and is therefore a superior modification. ...
First, a push up is something that anyone can do. Whether or not you have money to spend on equipment. Second, push-ups do not require any special skills, making them a possible form of exercise. Third, the results of consistent push-ups are visible after a relatively short period. ...
Clap push-ups are accomplished by pushing hard off the ground, letting go and clapping your hands together before you hit the ground. Think of it like jumping with your hands! Although they might seem gimmicky at first, the clap push-up is a very useful plyometric workout. Clap push-ups...
3Spider-Man Push-Up Image Source: POPSUGAR Studios The Spider-Man push-up variation will really challenge your upper body, work your core, and targets the muscles on the sides of the torso, too. There's no room for boredom to creep into your workout when doing this push-up!
However, push-ups can be challenging for beginners, since they require a certain amount of core muscle strength. It’s important to maintain stability around the spine during a push-up, as only then can you use your arms and shoulders properly. Trainers often recommend doing modified push-up...
Got it. Now how can I kick it up a notch and make push-ups more challenging? Instead of placing your hands shoulder-distance apart, bring them closer together. Shortening the distance will force you to recruit your triceps, which are smaller muscles than your pectorals, so they fatigue fas...