Pets and Mental Health Pet ownership has been recognized as a powerful contributor to improved mental health and wellness in humans. The bond between humans and their pets offers a unique form of companionship that fosters emotional well-being. Interactions with pets, such as playing, petting or...
We all know that it can be joyful to have a pet in your home, especially around kids, and there are many proven benefits of keeping a dog. Besides the entertainment, there are some proven advantages for mental health as well. Today, we have professional trainers for therapy dogs who can ...
Your furry loved one not only helps you build relationships with others, having a pet around has also been shown to help alleviate stress. In astudy done by the University of British Columbiawhere dogs were taken to college campuses for a “therapy dog session” and students were able to in...
Having a pet can also benefit people with special needs or disabilities. Animals can provide emotional support, companionship, and therapy for those managing difficult physical or mental health conditions. By providing unconditional love and affection, pets can help people feel more relaxed ...
In fact, the positives are such that pets are now invited into all sorts of therapy settings, such as hospitals, to soothe and calm the patients. There’s even a name for it: “pet therapy.” Pet therapy is a catch-all term for incorporating animals in all sorts of therapeutic ways. ...
There are well-documented mental health benefits to pet ownership, as much research has shown. Indeed, we know there are some physical benefits as well, as dog owners tend to have more active lifestyles. Yet when it comes to conditions like allergies (过敏), we tend to think of pet owners...
Hey Guys I just published this article about 11 Funny Mental Health Benefits of a Pet and thought you might want to check it out. Also I am sharing a short and sweet version here. Pets not only do a lot of fun activities with you, but they also provide you with mental health benefit...
Pet ownership provides a unique relationship that is beneficial to many aspects of the pet owner's life, including mental health and companionship. Mental health and social isolation are negatively impacted by homelessness, increasing the importance of the owner-pet bond during this time. However, ...
Having a cat can help people feel connected and gives them a daily routine that can be helpful for both the person and their pet,” says Dr. Liu. Having a cat isn’t a replacement for going to therapy or seeking out other mental health support, of course, but cat companionship can be...
the 1960s, child psychologist Boris Levinson observed that a withdrawn, non-verbal child suddenly began communicating when Levinson’s dog, Jingles, was in the room.The field of “pet therapy” was born, and visits from traine...