Kick the Diet Soda Habit; Research Finds No Nutritional BenefitsHall, McKenzie
Changing a diet from high-sodium (>2,000 mg/day) to low-sodium (<2,000 mg/day) reduces the systolic (upper) blood pressure in adults and children by about 3 mm Hg, in average[20], but it is not clear if this has any beneficial health effect[21]. The effect of lowering dietary ...
Additionally, there’s evidence that because it canalter gut microbiotacomposition in a positive way, studies have found that drinking kefir may help improve physical performance and combat physical fatigue. 5. Improves Allergies Various forms of allergies and asthma are all linked to inflammatory issu...
Your body produces arginine and ornithine, so they're not an essential part of your diet. However, they're conditional amino acids, which means your body needs more of them when you're sick or under stress and it may not be able to keep up with the demand. During those times, you ma...
The liquid carbs in juice may not allow your brain to process them in the same way as solid carbs. Thus, drinking juice could lead to more hunger and increased craving for food later in the day. 3. Starchy Vegetables Plenty of vegetables are high in fibre, thus aiding in weight loss an...
battery acid is zero. Clearly, that’s highly acidic. Lemon juice registers at about two, and black coffee registers at a pH of about five.But rather than kicking your “acidic” coffee habit — and there areclearly good reasons to keep drinking coffee— why not neutralize the acid in you...
It does not worry some people. However the human body makes a natural antacid to balance this. However it uses the calcium in your body to produce this natural antacid. So if you consume large amounts of sugars in your diet you could have to take calcium supplements. Regards, Peter ...
Information regarding safety and efficacy in pregnancy and lactation is lacking; however, when used orally at doses below the upper intake level, boron is likely safe. However, boric acid should not be used in pregnancy. Intravaginal boric acid use during the first 4 months of pregnancy has be...
While anoccasional cocktailor glass of wine is OK,drinking too much alcohol dailycan increase inflammation in your body. Case in point: A 2017 study inAlcohol Research: Current Reviewsfound that excess booze results in intestinal inflammation by changing the composition and function ...
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