One of our values is “we believe that the practice of true ensemble is a radical act having positive social repercussions outside the rehearsal room.” And that means that by living in this way, and truly believing in this idea, we can affect change and improve the world. We’re always...
This fundamentally human mental state that arises from our inner stream of consciousness is called mind wandering (MW) and occurs when your mind stops being in the present moment. Generally, MW reflects the disengagement of attentional focus from the environment toward self-generated thoughts unrelated...
“mental birthing rehearsal” is very important to the process of easy and comfortable birthing and is done many times until your Hypno-baby is born, helping program your subconscious mind to produce exactly the kind of birthing you want. Athletes and public speakers of all kinds do this to ...
This “mental birthing rehearsal” is very important to the process of easy and comfortable birthing and is done many times until your Hypno-baby is born, helping program your subconscious mind to produce exactly the kind of birthing you want. Athletes and public speakers of all kinds do this...
If you have a disappointing training session or race after visualizing, continue with both your mental and physical training, adds Vieux. Tell yourself: “This is not how I wanted it to turn out, but I have experienced similar situations in the past and have excelled.” ...
This makes it unlikely that either covert practice or mental rehearsal could be responsible for the observed skill improvements [25]. Overnight improvements have been observed in other sequence-learning tasks 7., 8.. Participants in these studies were instructed to learn a short sequence of finger...
Participants were assigned to a control or an imagery group for 30-min training sessions including either social conversation with the experimenter or mental rehearsal of the serve return, three times per week over eight weeks. Participants from the imagery group mentally simulated only the simple ...
one-hour rehearsal. What they found was that the choir members had increased levels of S-IgA (Secretory immunoglobulin A), proteins that act like antibodies in the immune system. The effects of singing choral music were significantly opposite from just listening to it, gave decreased S-IgA ...
Considering the importance of rehearsal in motor learning, backward CoP displacement are more complicated than those in the forward direction where daily activities are more frequently oriented (e.g., locomotion, prehension). Furthermore, while movements in the forward direction might benefit from a ...
“With visualization, the runner has ‘run the course,’ so to speak, several times in their mind, reducing the likelihood of anxiety and helping them stay confident,” says Vieux. “Mental preparation that complements the physical preparation when training for an event or in pursuit of improvin...