S. Origua Rios, J. Marks, I. Estevan, and L. M. Barnett, "Health benefits of hard martial arts in adults: a systematic review," Journal of Sports Sciences, vol. 36, no. 14, pp. 1614-1622, 2018.Origua Rios S, Marks J, Estevan I, Barnett LM (2018) Health benefits of hard ...
Whether you intend to gain some basic self-defense tactics or you are learning to train yourself to become more disciplined, martial arts can offer the structure young adults need. Between homework, school, and social obligations, students spend much of their time seated at desks. As a result...
Self-confidence:Due to the goal setting, positive encouragement and respect for values that are part of all martial arts programs, the greatest benefit usually reported by martial arts students is greater self-confidence. You become more comfortable in all situations – whether you’re in danger o...
Although physical activities are good for your mental health, learning martial arts can do more. The social aspect of learning martial arts helps
One of the most serious fall injuries is a hip fracture; one-half of all older adults hospitalized for a hip fracture never regain their former level of function. Because tai chi movements are slow and deliberate with shifts of body weight from one leg to the other in coordination with uppe...
There are several examples of leisure activities. They include surfing, bicycling, traveling, horseback riding, tennis, golfing, skating, walking, swimming, weightlifting, hiking, martial arts, and skiing. What does leisure activity mean? Leisure activities refer to actions individuals undertake during ...
One of the most serious fall injuries is a hip fracture; one-half of all older adults hospitalized for a hip fracture never regain their former level of function. Because tai chi movements are slow and deliberate with shifts of body weight from one leg to the other in coordination with uppe...
The routine that comes with martial arts like BJJ and other competitive sports is one of the primary reasons they are so helpful for people who process information differently. Neurodigervent people often like structure, which helps them focus their minds. The predictable routine that comes with ...
Therefore, identifying protective factors for this population is crucial. This study investigated the effects of regular physical activity on self-esteem, optimism, and happiness in emerging adults. Participants included 175 girls (47%) and 198 (53%) boys (M = 20.75 years; SD=1.69).Participants...
Any of the martial arts, ballet, ice skating, gymnastics, rock climbing, mountain biking, whitewater paddling, and-sorry to tell you, Mom-skateboarding are especially good for adults and children with ADHD. Why, exactly? The technical movement inherent in these types of sports activate a vast...