And don’t forget that the transfer payment doesn’t just support government workers. Lots of Yukon families make their livings either fully or partly due to government contracting. This is evident from the Yukon’s tax revenue for the current fiscal year, which the recent budget forecasts will...
Fig. 6. Percentage of male and female Red Dog workers hired as local residents still living in the Northwest Arctic Borough in successive years after the year hired, compared to the control population of Northwest Arctic Borough residents not working at the Red Dog mine. Source: Alaska Departmen...
For 2025, the average family of four living in the 48 contiguous states and DC., will see their maximum allotment minimally rise to $975 from $973 in the prior year. See other household size increases in the maximum allotment tables later in this article. The minimum benefit will remain at...
1.spouse,eithermarriedto,orlivingandcohabitingin amarriage-likerelationshipwiththebene ciary(and maybeo thesamegender),or 2.unmarriedchildorlegalward,supportedbythe bene ciary,and a.under19,or b.under25andin ull-timeattendance ataschooloruniversity. ...