must be correct, for the value of laughter is recorded in sacred scripture. For example, the Koran states that "He deserves Paradise who makes his companions laugh." By the fourteenth century, the healing power of humor was recognized by the medical community. An important French surge...
There are 3 main theories used to explain the functions of humor: (1) the relief theory, (2) the incongruity theory, and (3) the superiority theory. While these theories focus on the specific role that humor plays for people in situations such as dealing with misfortune, making sense of ...
Benefits of hypotherapy for people with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder in school age. Exploratory systematic reviewLuisa Gamez CalvoJose M GamonalesVictor Hernandez BeltranJesus Munoz Jimenez
As you’ve just seen, journaling has a mind-boggling number of benefits. But perhaps deepest of all, journaling helps us to reconnect with what many call theSoulorDivine sparkwithin us. In fact, for many people, journaling is a core spiritual practice because it provides a gateway to deeper...
Singing in a choir has positive effects on the physical and mental health of choir singers and benefits for their social lives.
Studies suggest that the evolution of large human brain occurred depending on the rich source of preformed long-chain PUFA at the interface of land and water. The human diet has changed to a large extent during the last 100 years. One of the striking changes is the enormous increase in diet...
The use of safflower extract to dye the wrappings of mummies has also been reported.Duke 2008 Safflower had been used as a replacement for saffron but lost popularity because of its lack of taste. Safflower tea has been used in traditional medicine to induce sweating and reduce fever. The ...
Benefits of Combined Step Up Exercise on a Stepper and Balance Exercise on Foam Versus Standard Therapy in the Elderly Admitted to an Acute Hospital with F... Benefits of Combined Step Up Exercise on a Stepper and Balance Exercise on Foam Versus Standard Therapy in the Elderly Admitted to an...
Benefits of Massage-Myofascial Release Therapy on Pain, Anxiety, Quality of Sleep, Depression, and Quality of Life in Patients with Fibromyalgia. Benefits of massage-myofascial release therapy on pain, anxiety, quality of sleep, depression, and quality of life in patients with fibromyalgia. Evid-....
Triglycerides(another type of fat in the blood) were lowered by 75 mg/dL. Another small study found that adding 500 mg of Salvia officinalis three times a day to daily statin therapy lowered total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides more than statin therapy alone.9 ...