Green tea is capable of improving hyperlipidaemia and the impaired kidney functions.Green Tea Benefits: Consumption of green tea provides a protection against stroke, liver disease, bacterial infection, cancer, viral infection and lowers the risk of osteoporosis. Green tea catechin was reported to ...
Matcha green tea has historically played a strong role in men's health in China and Japan, and new scientific studies have corroborated the belief in its benefits and continue to make it a wise drink of choice for modern men. According to the latest research, just one cup of green tea a...
»Green tea refreshes the body ByJayzee Tan| Published 02/4/2005 |Health Benefits of Drinking it|Unrated Tea contains caffeine which, when taken in the proper quantity, simulates every organ in the body. It has a particularly strong effect on the central nervous system, heart and liver. ...
Health Benefits of Green Tea Here’s how drinking green tea can work wonders for your health. 1. Treats allergies Allergy is an immune-mediated disease and manifests itself in different forms. Some of the allergic responses of the body include asthma and sinusitis. Allergy is often treated wi...
Results: Green tea are having broad types of characteristics such as antibacterial activity, antifungal activity, Antioxidant activity, Anti-viral effects, Anti hypertensive effect, Effect on skin, anticancer activity. The medicinal utilities have been described especially for leaves. The present review ...
Today's fast world with the fast food its hard to keep in check with the health. So, replacing a cup of chai with green tea won't compensate for the gym but will make you less guilty of not taking care of your health.Here, are few benefits of green tea t
Additionalresearchfound even more health benefits of green tea. It has a possible beneficial impact on liver, breast, prostate and colorectal cancers, as well as other benefits. This tea variety has also shown to be anti-inflammatory. While some teas provide more health advantages than others, ...
Green tea has been enjoyed by people in China and Japan for thousands of years. Over the time it has become widely known in the West. A lot of people nowadays have heard that green tea benefits the overall health, but not a lot know why exactly. And believe me after I've learned all...
Further studies have even shown that green tea compounds can inhibit the growth of cancer cells, slowing the progress of the disease. It appears that green tea may be most effective at preventing bladder, colon, rectal, esophageal, bladder, liver, lung, pancreatic, breast and prostate cancer. ...
Working memory is a type of short-term memory necessary for cognitive functions like:16 Comprehension Planning Problem-solving Reasoning In the 2014 study, researchers gave the volunteers a milk-based drink that contained either 27.5 milligrams of green tea extract or a placebo. The volunteers then...