darkening of the skin, painful joints, and weakness.10Frequently giving blood is one thing that can lower the amount of iron in your body. Lowering high iron levels can be a good thing
Compared to non-donors, donors have 33-88% lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD). Giving blood regularly also helps reduce blood viscosity, or the thickness of your blood, which potentially lowers blood pressure and the risk of plaque rupture. 500ml of blood, or up to 250mg ...
When ischemia (lack of blood flow to the heart) is caused by a complete blockage of an artery, part of the heart muscle can die. (Complete blockages are often the result of a blood clot that gets caught in a narrow space in an artery that already has a large build-up of plaque.) ...
While smiling has been shown to lower one's heart rate in the face of stress, research also shows that it lowers blood pressure.5One study showed that laughter therapy may help patients reduce their need for heart medications.9 If you have a blood pressure monitor at home, you can try te...
He then discovered that it is possible to donate blood components every 14 days and that many people regularly did. He decided to join them. "It found it really touching that people from all walks of life choose to donate blood as their way of contributing to society," Tian said, adding...
Regularly reflecting on everything from simple pleasures like sunny days or good conversations to life-altering moments of joy can help usstrengthen our positive emotionsand reduce our envy. Takinggratitude breaksthroughout the day helps remind us of all the good around us, even when it feels lik...
A. Give blood regularly. B. Give blood every six months. C. Make donations in middle age. D. Donate a small amount each time. 8. The author mentions the three studies to. A. prove the serious harm of cancer B. solve the problems of giving blood C. explain the reasons for heart di...
Since peanuts have no content of sugar, they are completely safe for diabetic patients. They are rich sources of nutrients and are delicious at the same time. Research shows that eating peanuts in the morning can keep a check on one’s blood sugar level throughout the day. It may also pr...
Research reveals there are plenty of health benefits to frequent masturbation, from reducing your risk of prostate cancer to improving your erections.
Doing some form of exercise, especially an aerobic workout, improves blood flow and delivers oxygen directly to the brain tissue, saysJocelyn Bear, PhD, a board-certified neurologist based in Boulder, Colorado. Breaking a sweat also releases brain-derived neurotropic factors, or growth factors, ...