Of course!Chiquita bananasare one of the greatest healthy eating snacks and a superfood. Did you know, the scientific name for bananas is ‘musa sapientum’ or ‘fruit of the wise men’. And with all the benefits of bananas (they contain fiber, potassium and vitamin B6) we do, indeed,...
“Eat five servings of fruit a day.” That phrase could be the best dietary advice in history, and it remains one of the best current strategies for eating healthier. When I started writing this article, I stopped to think if it was necessary to write about this subject, because it ...
A fiber-rich fruit that can boost your energy, regulate blood pressure, and more, here are 11 amazing science-backed benefits of bananas.
Unless you’re not eating any other fruits or vegetables, you don’t need to eat bananas for the potassium. Some interesting facts: The banana plant is in the same class (Lilliopsida or Monocot) as the lilly and orchid. The main section of the banana plant is called a pseudostem. ...
Bananas may be helpful in preventing kidney cancer because of their high levels of antioxidant phenolic compounds. Can you eat too many bananas? Eaten in moderation, there are no significant side effects associated with eating bananas. However, eating the fruits in excess may trigger headaches and...
What are the benefits of eating a banana? A banana is loaded with nutrients your body needs. It may even help you recover faster from a hard workout. Is it good to eat a banana every day? You should aim for three to five servings of fruit every day. Bananas are a good choice, but...
The advantage of serotonin in oxidative stress has also been noted by experts in one study when athletes have visibly improved their performance after eating bananas. 6) Bananas Help In Maintaining Strong Bones. Although bananas only have 1% Daily Value of calcium, it makes up for its scarcity ...
A lot of athletes and sportsmen tend towards eating bananas because it works as a very powerful fuel while working out. It contains all the things that will provide you with the energy during your workouts and exercises. It has fibers, antioxidants as well as healthier mixture of sugars, whi...
Sometimes, having a bunch ofhealthy dinner ideas for the familyis still not enough to start eating healthy. However, the following tips can help you adopt this lifestyle quicker and with fewer struggles. Plan your meals.Find time to plan and prepare healthy meals in advance. This will...
It's true that eating any food in excess of your own personal calorie needs can lead to weight gain, but bananas are an unlikely culprit. At 100 calories and less than half a gram of fat in each one, bananas are a nutritious choice that helps you meet your needs for daily veggies and...