I haven't had time to take a nap in a long time.我已经很久没有午睡了。I hear you.我懂你。I've been traveling a lot recently, but I still make sure to take naps.我最近一直在旅行,但还是会抽空午睡。They're a big part of my routine because they help me stay healthy.午睡已经成为我...
“Eat five servings of fruit a day.” That phrase could be the best dietary advice in history, and it remains one of the best current strategies for eating healthier. When I started writing this article, I stopped to think if it was necessary to write about this subject, because it seems...
Eating a diet rich in low-GI foods (and avoiding higher-glycemic foods) may decrease the risk of complications in people with diabetes.If you have diabetes, you can enjoy half a banana when you need a snack. Like all fruits, bananas have carbs, but theywon’t blow up a low-carbdiet....
bananabenefits Are bananas good for you? Of course!Chiquita bananasare one of the greatest healthy eating snacks and a superfood. Did you know, the scientific name for bananas is ‘musa sapientum’ or ‘fruit of the wise men’. And with all the benefits of bananas (they contain fiber, po...
I will admit that I'm not great about eating breakfast therefore, fruit smoothies are a great way for me to start my day. I like to make a smoothie every morning before leaving to take my children to school. This allows me to have a healthy breakfast, even when I don't want to eat...
Top 9 Beauty & Health Benefits Of Eating Eggs These are 9 beauty and health benefits of eating eggs daily, which can surprise you a lot. 1. Lose Weight Is it surprise you that eggs can help to lose weight? As usual, many people believe that eggs are “unhealthy” or “fattening”. ...
(and gentle in thought, word and deed). Animal-related viruses can also spread through eating of animal flesh, such as bird flu, mad cow disease, swine flu, SARS and more (to come). Since veg(etari)ans are karmically less connected to animals’ suffering, they suffer less from animal...
of process of emptying of stomach, which is directly related to losing weight. Most of the times, we develop the symptoms of over eating and for that reason we gain a very good amount of weight. But, if you can eat banana, you will full for a very long time and it will also ...
Unless you’re not eating any other fruits or vegetables, you don’t need to eat bananas for the potassium. Some interesting facts: The banana plant is in the same class (Lilliopsida or Monocot) as the lilly and orchid. The main section of the banana plant is called a pseudostem. ...
They also do not contain enough fat or protein to be a healthy meal on their own, or an effective post-workout snack. Eating bananas becomes significantly risky only if you eat too many. The USDA recommends that adults eat about two cups of fruit a day, or about two bananas. If you ...