As a result, it provides a terrific full-body workout,improving coordination,flexibility,balance and muscle strength.Sport, as well as being a physical activity, has a mental aspect too. It can help define who you are and who you can become. F 38_ Included here are three qualities worthy...
根据前句Sport builds character and promotes the development of a number of qualities that are essential for a successful and fulfilling life(体育运动可以塑造性格,促进一系列品质的发展,这些品质对成功和充实的生活至关重要),以及后文第二,三,五段介绍的三个方面,可知表示"这里包括三个值得特别考虑的品质"...
ID and non-ID athletes of both INC and N_INC groups significantly improved in most of the tests (weight, balance, flexibility, muscle strength, endurance, agility, movement speed and coordination) while CG group significantly worsened weight, muscle endurance, flexibility, agility, movement speed ...
Having rugby as a sport in school will not just increase the health of a child but his hand and eye coordination which is a fundamental aspect as a child to establish it at a young age. He will learn to work well...
These relationships help you to decrease stress and learn how to behave in social settings among friends and opponents. Teamwork. When playing on a team you learn to work on coordination and communication with teammates. This will help you to achieve your goal and that of the entire t...
下文Swimming,forexample,isanexcellentphysicalactivityasnearlyallmusclesareusedwhenyouswim.As a result,itprovides a goodfull—bodyworkout,improvingcoordination (协调),balanceandmusclestrength.(例如,游泳是一项极好的体育活动,因为当你游泳时,几乎所有的肌肉都用上了。因此,它提供了一个很好的全身锻炼,改善协调,...
Health Benefits of Rollerblading(滑旱冰)Rollerblading is a popular sport nowadays. _36 . These activities require a combination of balance,coordination, and physical fitness, making the sport an excellent form of cardiovascular exercise(有氧运动). Here are some health benefits of rollerblading ...
Core or diaphragmatic breathing helps integrate pelvic floor engagement with proper breathing techniques, improving relaxation and muscle coordination. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Place one hand on your belly and the other on your chest. Take a deep breath into your abdomen, allowing ...
Doing sports often means you need to work on your balance and coordination. This has benefits as you get older. Weight management In conjunction with a healthy diet, it can help you lose weight and lose body fat. Lots of us work to the credit-debit way of thinking, ie do more sport,...
Benefits of sport Every sport has its own specific health benefits. Swimming, for example, is an excellent physical activity as nearly all muscles are used when you swim. As a result, it provides a terrific full-body workout, improving coordination, flexibility, balance and muscle strength.1 ...