The health benefits of coconut oil for the skin are known worldwide. Coconut oil, being a natural oil, without any additives and chemicals, is known to protect the skin from the sun’s harmful rays. In tropical parts of the world, people commonly apply coconut oil on their skin, just as...
The women from the tropical regions have usedorganic coconut oil for hairfor generations together. That should prove the benefits ofusing coconut oil on hair. Is coconut oil good for hair?If that is the question that you have been thinking over, well, yes –coconut oil for hair and skinhas...
(one tablespoon contains close to the daily allowance of saturated fat) but can be consumed in small amounts when baking and cooking or used on the skin, hair, etc. [1] Using coconut oil topically has been shown to provide many benefits for the skin, including moisturizing a growing ...
More and more bloggers in the fitness world are beginning to write about the positive experiences of coconut oil in fitness training. With all the scandals of banned substance abuse for performance enhancement going on in professional sports, we truly hope that professional athletes will also discove...
A study published in the journal Lipids reported 40 women found a decrease in belly fat when taking coconut oil internally along with an exercise routine. Immune System Support The lauric acid in coconut oil is also found in breast milk—it helps support and builds the immune sys...
COCONUT MILK FOR COOKING Like coconut oil, coconut milk is also full of health and weight loss promoting MCTs. It can also be used for cooking or baking and is a suitable substitute for dairy or other milks. We all know it can be used to make incredible curry dishes, but have you eve...
For nursing mothers, consuming Coconut Oil will help increase your milk flow. Apply to bee stings or bug bites to soothe and heal the wound. Women can use in the nether regions to relieve yeast infections, dryness, and/or discomfort. If you’re prone to nosebleeds, coat the inside of yo...
Coconut oil is beneficial for men’s hair as it is for women. Here are some of the benefits: Prevents scalp infections More than women, men’s scalp is more prone to infections from microorganisms due to lesser hair coverings. Regular application of coconut oil can help prevent and fight of...
The theory for coconut oil possibly helping in weight loss is due to the medium-chain saturated fatty acids (MCTs), which promote a feeling of fullness and are more likely to be used right away for energy than stored. However, studies that evaluate the effect of coconut oil on weight loss...
Strain through a fine sieve and store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Drink as is or use it as a substitute for any other nut milk or dairy milk you may have been using You May Also Enjoy Incredible Health Benefits Of Almonds 11 Proven Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil 9 Proven ...