Drawing on Bandura's social learning and social cognitive theory, we empirically investigate contextual factors that may influence perceived benefits of coteaching for teachers. Special and general education coteachers have reported that necessary contextual factors for them to be effective include: ...
This article reports the findings of a case study centered upon the implementation of a coteaching model in an elementary school with a mixed (EL and non-EL) population. In the co-teaching model examined, ESL teachers were embedded in the general education classroom, collaborated on instruction...
Team-teaching is different than a standard teaching assistant appointment or a faculty mentoring program. The duties involve preparing and delivering lectures, preparing homework and exam materials, and interacting with students as peers with a faculty member, while being directly compared to the ...
I really enjoyed the course and learned a lot of new techniques." IMPROVED PEDAGOGY "I am far and away a better math teacher than I could possibly have been otherwise." "I can teach students on their level instead of teaching to the middle of the class." "My students ...
Co-teaching refers to using multiple teachers in a single classroom, commonly used in ESL or special education programs. Explore the importance of a co-teaching relationship and examples of benefits in different teaching models. Read Co-Teaching: Benefits & Strategies Lesson Recommended...
STEP-UP is a teaching professional development experience advocated for by research, and was originally proposed and designed by STEM graduate students (Love Stowell et al., 2015). Their goals in creating this training program (in the first cohort of which they participated) were to increase ...
Balancing the competing demands of research and teaching has long been lamented by academics. The challenges associated with Covid will make this increasingly difficult. An integrated approach to research and teaching, where students are directly engaged in the production of research, may provide a ...
期间锻炼了我的沟通能力,培养了我的细心度和耐性 Assists the teacher teaching, after revises the student class the work, the explanation practices as well as explains the student question.Period has exercised my communication ability, has raised my care and the patience[translate]...
Teaching sustainability virtually has also required an ability to adapt, says Brandi Robinson, a Pennsylvania State University assistant teaching professor who specialises in sustainability and renewable energy. “Pre-Covid, we pushed students to get out from behind the computer screen and go out into...
their children. Homeschool co-ops offer classes for students and usually require parent participation. Don't expect to drop your kids off at classes or activities. In most cases, parents are actively involved in teaching classes, caring for younger children, or helping with cleaning and other ...