Citizen science is proliferating in the water sciences with increasing public involvement in monitoring water resources, climate variables, water quality, and in mapping and modeling exercises. In addition to the well鈥恟eported scientific benefits of such projects, in particular solving data scarcity ...
The benefits of wildlife exposure extend beyond simple observation. Natural environments—from forests to coastal climates—can encouragemindfulnessand create a sense of calm in your children. You’ll notice that when they’re exploring outdoors, they’re naturallymore physically active, which directly ...
A green card proves the right of the holder to remain in the U.S. as a permanent resident. Find out more about its history, benefits, types, process, and more.
However, limited research evaluates the long-term societal impact on coastal communities from constructed restoration projects. The paucity of research on long-term outcomes disadvantages future efforts to develop coastal restoration projects and policies while simultaneously failing to engage communities in ...
(Ghofrani et al.2017). In this study, we use the general term UGI to refer to both urban vegetation and water structures. Accordingly, all of these related keywords were combined in the Web of Science (WOS) core collection using Booleans AND OR, as necessary (search query is presented ...
Experiences of safe and healthy walking and cycling in urban areas: The benefits of mobile methods for citizen-adapted urban planning Walking and cycling promotes physical activity and mental health. In many European cities, walking and cycling has increased and is a key part of transport... H ...
The challenge of assessing the impacts of basic biomedical science is well established (8), (9), (10). There is often considerable latency between research initiation and downstream impacts, and it can be difficult to correctly assign contribution of specific projects to long-term impacts (11),...
When costs for various restoration measures are quantified, the benefits of various ecosystem services are largely unknown. In practice, decisions on whether or not to carry out restoration projects are often made focusing on either the costs or the ecological benefits. Although most deep-sea ...
lifestyles and wetland conservation. Some examples include citizen science projects, the experiential learning in wetlands for tourists as well as local schools, parents and teachers; wetland management training in wetlands that includes working with wetland users such as fishermen, farmers and local ...
During citizen life, social benefits and rights are fundamental. Over the years, many researchers have examined the phenomenon of non-take-up of benefits and rights (individuals or households fail to use the services and benefits they are entitled to fully). Almost all researchers have concluded ...