A SCIENTIFIC REVIEW REGARDING HEALTH BENEFITS OF CHILLIESdoi:10.15835/hpm.v28i1-2.13988Balázs Csaba, KDRPUCEAN, AdrianaMAN, SimonaMUSTE, SevastiaCHIS, SimonaPOP, AnamariaHop & Medicinal Plants
Researchers at the University of Tasmania have recently completed a study (published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, July 2006) that suggests the regular consumption of chillies can help your body control insulin levels after eating which could benefit the overweight or diabetics. To b...
19. Kumar N, Vij JC, Sarin SK, Anand BS. Do chillies influence healing of duodenal ulcer?BMJ. 1984;288(6433):1803-1804.6428553 20. Bortolotti M, Coccia G, Grossi G, Miglioli M. The treatment of functional dyspepsia with red pepper.Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2002;16(6):1075-1082.12030948 ...
where it is called imli in Urdu-Hindi. It is grown wild in Africa as diverse as Cameroon, Sudan, Tanzania and Nigeria. In Arabia, it is grown wild in Oman where it is grown on sea facing slopes of mountains. Through human
Ground cumin is great when added to chillies, spicy stews, guacamole, or with shellfish. You may already be using cumin without knowing it because it is an important spice in blends such as curry powder, chili powder, and Garam Masala. To get the most advantage of this herb, you should...