in black tea is not good for the health of pregnant women and fetuses. Some pregnant women’s constitution is not suitable for drinking black tea, which may cause accelerated heartbeat, cause sleep disorders such as insomnia, and have a bad impact on the growth and development of the fetus...
Worried about your blood glucose levels? Have some tea. Rresearchers found that higher black tea consumption was associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes
The tea plantCamellia sinensishas been grown in Southeast Asia for thousands of years. According to Chinese mythology, it was the emperor Shen Nung who discovered tea in 2737 bc(1). In ancient China, tea was considered as a medicinal remedy for headaches, body aches and pains, depression, i... | Matcha green tea has historically played a strong role in men's health in China and Japan, and new scientific studies have corroborated the belief in its benefits and continue to make it a wise drink of choice for modern men. According to t
Though the black and green teas are generally known by the people to be healthy but the other types like white, black and oolong also has a list of benefits attached to them. Below given top 10 health benefits of tea and drinking tea – the coffee’s little cousin will surely amaze you...
It is recommended that people not drink more than 300 mg of caffeine per day (approximately 2-3 cups of black tea). Taking extra calcium may help to make up for calcium losses. Older women who have a genetic condition that affects the way they use vitamin D, should use caffeine with ca...
It has been observed in studies that people who drink black tea for a prolonged period have a 70% low chance of experiencing a spike in blood sugar levels. It means there is a lesser risk of developing type-2 diabetes.Studiessuggest that women drinking more than or equal to 4 cups of ...
Christine Yu is an award-winning journalist and author of the book Up to Speed: The Groundbreaking Science of Women Athletes. Her work focuses on the intersection of sports science and women athletes. She's a lifelong athlete who loves running, yoga, surfing, and skiing. ...
They also help to reduce the risks of cancer and improve heart health. Antioxidants in Ceylon Black tea can reduce the occurrence of Atherosclerosis and therefore lowering the risk of heart attack and cardiovascular diseases, especially in women.(1)...
Benefits of Black Coffee: Why drinking It is Good for You Benefits of Black Coffee The ingredients in black coffee affect the human body in many different ways. In this section, you will learn exactly how the stimulating drink is good for your health. ...