This has more benefits than just a change of scenery – it’s linked to improving cognitive function, as well as mental and physical well-being. After all, natural sunlight is your best source of vitamin D. Let’s take a look at some of the perks of being outside and spending time ...
Find out more on the benefits of being outdoors and what you can do to feel more energized and connected with nature. Learn more on the Nature Valley website.
Do you know the benefits of just going outside? It’s amazing what just a little fresh air can do for you. Having a picnic outside, playing a game of tag, just sitting on the deck and breathing in the fresh air – all of that has health benefits that may surprise you. Fresh air...
The physical health benefits from being outside may be pretty obvious at first, but there are more than I realized. Studies have shown that besides the Vitamin D intake, being outside can even reduce recovery and healing time. Activity outdoors can also have a higher ...
In fact, simply being outside and breathing fresh air can make you light-hearted. Research shows that being in nature, also called forest bathing,reduces stress and increases relaxation, and you'll see greater levels of joy in your life.It's free. There are many benefits of working with ...
You don’t even have to step outside, with many people simply doing some power walking or running round their gardens or up and down their hallways. Practicing yoga or Tai Chi can help to increase our body flexibility, which in turn can lower joint pain and help to protect us from ...
Fresh air and sunshine have well-documented benefits, but being outside is good for your baby in other ways too. Their senses are stimulated by the visual contrast of trees or buildings against the sky overhead, a breeze on their face, and new scents and sounds. Spending time outside can...
Runners rejoice! Now that we’re finally in the swing of spring, we can take our workouts back outside. This is exciting not just because of the benefits on your physique, but also on your overall mental and spiritual well being. For some people, running
You have no idea what you’re made of unless and until you venture outside of your own familiar world. Taking risks, regardless of their outcome, are growth experiences. Even if you make mistakes or don’t get it right the first time those become experiences you can tap into in the ...
Traveling is a great opportunity to temporarily get away from your everyday life and look at it from a different point of view.It's so much easier to deal with issues and solve problems when you look at them from the outside while traveling. You have a lot of time to think without di...