(2013). Do the benefits from autonomy-supportive PE teacher training programs endure?: A one-year follow-up investigation. Psychol- ogy of Sport and Exercise, 14, 508-518. doi:10.1016/j. psychsport.2013.02.002Cheon, S., & Reeve, J. (2013). Do the benefits from autonomy-supportive PE ...
nurturing the basic psychological needs of autonomy (sense of volition), competence (sense of mastery and efficacy), and relatedness (sense of caring relationships) fosters autonomous and internalized motivation. A teacher’s interaction style
Study 1 used the teacher–student laboratory paradigm to place 121 same-sex pairs of preservice teachers into the roles of teacher and student during a videotaped 12-min instructional episode. Teachers were randomly assigned to be autonomy supportive or not, while students were randomly assigned to...
Years ago, Albert Cullum wrote a great book for educators,Push Back the Desks.When I was a sixth-grade teacher, I used several of his creative ideas to spice up my lessons. One of my favorites was "A Grammar Hospital," a lesson on identifying the eight parts of speech. When I became...
A child’s fragile and still-developing brain is less suited to handling stress and negative emotions, such as fear, anger, sadness or sorrow, particularly over longer periods of time. Claim four puzzle packs! Word Puzzle Packs Numeracy Puzzle Packs ...
being a tech team member can be a self-esteem builder for the participants. It keeps them interested and involved in school. Students serve both the teacher and the student in the classroom. Not only do they work with software with the student and teacher but they also help maintain the co...
Benefits of Cardiovascular Endurance Risks of Cardiovascular Exercise Lesson Summary Register to view this lesson Are you a student or a teacher? Start today. Try it now TExES Physical Education EC-12 (158) Study Guide and Test Prep 26chapters |217lessons ...
Prior research has demonstrated the role of kind school climate in students’ academic and social-emotional learning outcomes. However, there is sparse literature showing the link of school kindness to mental health functioning. This study examines the association of school kindness with well-being dim...
that online work is beneficial to students in alternative programs because while they can work on lessons at home, in the classroom “technology allows the role of the teacher to change from the dispenser of information to a facilitator of learning who motivates, assists, and guides students.”...
Dance is a compulsory activity in the national curriculum for PE, and schools sometimes offer dance as an after-school activity. Surveys show that dance is the second most popular physical activity after football. However, the standard of dance teaching varies from sc...