Many Benefits for Pensioners in IrelandI notice that Coun Sir Jeremy Beecham has dropped his claim that the new pensions credit scheme will give all pensioners "massive increases".
The United States uses what is essentially the social assistance approach for meeting the medical care needs of low-income persons under the Medicaid program. Ireland operates a scheme by which persons with low income can apply for a medical card that gives them more extensive rights to free hea...
The behavioural changes for single women are generally smaller than for single men, which can be explained by the large proportion of age pensioners amongst single women. Be- havioural changes are not simulated for people over 65 years of age. The effects in this older age group are likely...
Pensioners in Poverty: The Impact of Benefits-in-Kind on Pensioner Incomes and Poverty Measures in Australia, Ireland and the UKMacDougallA.CRITICAL CARE NURSING QUARTERLY
they have no power to compel future generations to join them. Thus state pension schemes are essentially a “compact between generations.” Those at work are compelled to pay to the pensioners of today in expectation, written into the law, that their pensions will be paid by the next generati...