Acupuncture treatment is done by inserting very thin needles through the skin at strategic acupuncture points in the body. The needles are inserted to different depths based on the strategy of treatment. Though there is no scientific data to prove the functionality of acupuncture and the concept re...
Risks of natural birth Unlike an epidural, natural pain-reduction techniques don't eliminate pain. So if you're not interested in feeling and working with the pain, you'll be happier with an epidural. Also, natural approaches may not offer adequate pain management, particularly if you end up...
Natural medicine is a general theory that allows us to treat a wide range of complementary and alternative medicines, includingNatural Medicine, dietary supplements, homeopathy,acupuncture, neural therapy, biomagnetism, acupressure, and other of the many alternative medicines currently available. The theor...
is getting a massage. The Thai massage is a well-known therapy and it is easy to find a place to get a massage from almost any corner in major cities. Thai massage is a Thai traditional healing practice combining acupressure, assisted yoga postures, and Indian Ayurvedic principles. The pract...
Potential Complications of Moxibustion Moxibustion is a therapy technique worth the try for integrative and complementary treatments. However, it poses a few risks, one being the risk of getting burned in the process. For this reason, it's best to stick with the indirect moxibustion approach, esp...
CBD hasn't been publicly available that long, so researchers are still studying its effects, dosage, and interactions. Preliminary studies show that there may be risks of liver toxicity and an impact on male reproductive health, but more research is needed at this time.17 ...
Learn how acupuncture works, its pain relief benefits, and what to expect during a session, including its use for arthritis and other chronic pain conditions.
but many other health conditions were not included that might also be affected. If conditions not evaluated turn out to be more or less common based on neuter status or age at neutering, the specific balance between risks and benefits of neutering and the recommendations we should make for in...
Acupuncture is based on the idea that living beings have an inner energy, known as Qi (pronounced chee), and it is the flow of this inner energy that sustains them. According to traditional Chinese medical philosophy, balanced Qi is vital to optimal health; illness and disease are caused by...
of the whole body. The feet are the root of the human body and the point where the vitality of the human body condenses. Half of the twelve meridians connecting the internal organs of the human body start and end at the foot, and there are more than 60 acupuncture points on the foot...