Kuei-jung Ni, The Incorporation of the CBD Mandate on Access and Benefit-Sharing into TRIPS Regime: An Appraisal of the Appeal of Developing Countries with Rich Genetic Resources, 1 Asian J. WTO & Int'l Health Pol'y. 433 (2006).
Traditional forest knowledge of the Yi people confronting policy reform and social changes in Yunnan province of China forest categorization methods; routine forest utilization; land tenure and use-right arrangements; benefit-sharing mechanisms; customary regulations; and forest-... Liu,JL,Zhang,... ...
Intelligent Power Management applies to each volume independently so you can still derive the benefit of disk drive power management even if you have multiple applications sharing a single server. adaptec.com 在存储问题上,Adaptec智能电源管理可以独立施加到 任一独立存储卷,因此即使有多个应用共享单台服...
of CBD in suggesting a concrete mechanismforbenefit sharing,based on multilateral rather than bilateralarrangements. iprcommission.org iprcommission.org 提出以多边而非双边安排的方式 建立具体的利益均分机制,远远超出了《生物多样性公约》的规定。
iprcommission.org 知识产权保护制度可以激励个人和企业去创造和 开发有益于社会的新技术。 iprcommission.org [...] integral part of the development of society as a whole, including the sharing of best practices such as for the promotion of mutual understanding of minority issues, managing diversity...
IPRAccess and Benefit Sharing (ABS) of genetic resources became an international issue in the early 1980s, leading to the adoption of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in 1992. With the entry...doi:10.1007/978-3-319-42162-9_1Ashwani Kumar...
This chapter introduces a reform plan to modernise and humanize the IPR system: the Health Impact Fund. Whilst a single reform plan cannot deliver on the ambitious goal of providing health care to all globally, it is important to remember that the demand for benefit sharing emerged in the ...
The development of commercial products, especially pharmaceuticals, needs proper planning and execution starting from discovery through clinical phases to IPR generation and lastly marketing. In case where a commercial product is rooted in traditional knowledge, benefit sharing is an important concept to ...
Thanks to increasingly effective IPR enforcement tools used by government border agencies, as well as better cooperation and information sharing among those agencies, such an approach is a possibility for companies wishing to protect their brands in key markets, such as the United States and Europe....
the sharing of information and knowledge resulting from research on marine genetic resources, including by increasing the participation of researchers from developing countries in relevant research projects; the establishment of marine protected areas; discussions on practical optionsforbenefit-sharing, ...