VITAMIN KPHYSICAL training & conditioningFAT-soluble vitaminsVitamin K is a family of different fat-soluble molecular compounds, represented by a single form synthesized by plants (vitamin K1), and multiple forms synthesized by bacteria (vitamins K2). Several vitamin K-depe...
Vitamin D3/K2 Dr. Morrison Daily Benefit$ 44.00 See what our customer are saying “ I love working with Dr. Morrison I love working with Dr. Morrison and his team! Within 5 days of taking Dr. Morrison's prescribed supplements, my blood pressure was normal! I've quickly seen amazing res...
(a) What is one benefit of eating a lunch rich in vitamin D? (b) What can you do to ensure you are getting the daily recommended intake of vitamin D? Vitamin D Deficiency: A vitamin D deficiency can result in pro...
What’s more, they’re rich in bone-healthy vitamin C, magnesium, and of course, potassium. Specifically, one medium avocado provides 975 mg of potassium. So look to avocados for a filling, healthy meal or snack! Some ideas include: Using avocados in place of mayo or other unhealthy ...