Baseline prevalence of Ascaris was 79.5%. Stepwise regression showed that Ascaris intensity was lower in Vit A-supplemented children at baseline and 3 ma after deworming, but not after 5 ma. As 61% of the children were stunted, the impact of supplementation on Ascaris reinfection was examined...
Time to benefit for colorectal cancer screening: survival meta-analysis of flexible sigmoidoscopy trials. BMJ ▶ Vittinghoff E, Glidden DV, Shiboski SC, McCulloch CE (2012). Regression methods in biostatistics: linear, logistic, survival, and repeated measures models. Springer ▶ Wei Y, ...
Ganglion cell axons were also positive for EGFP, these axons were readily detected both on the inner surface of the retina and in the optic nerve (Figures 1b and e). Furthermore, interneurons in the inner nuclear layer were also transduced by AAV2/2-EGFP (Figures 1b, c, e and f). ...
Benefit of vitamin A supplementation on ascaris reinfection is less evident in stunted children. J Nutr. 2007;137:1455–9.Payne LG, Koski KG, Ortega-Barria E, et al. Benefit of vitamin A supplementation on Ascaris reinfection is less evident in stunted children. J Nutr 2007;137:1455-9...
doi:10.1016/S0735-1097(20)32021-0M Rubayat RahmanWasawat VutthikraivitSaif El NawaaMohamed ElmassryScott ShurmurJournal of the American College of Cardiology
The article addresses the increasing number of major labor unions in Norway affiliated to the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions. The growing number of members is mainly attributed to the rising employment levels in the country. As of October 2006, the registered net growth of employed members...
Kuon E, Birkel J, Schmitt M, Dahm J B. Radiation exposure bene fit of a lead cap in invasive cardiology. Heart 2003;89(10):1205 1210. 8. Stewart FA, Akleyev AV, Hauer Jensen M, Hendry JH, Kleiman NJ, MacVittie TJ et al. ICRP Publication 118 : ICRP statement on tissue reactions...
a total installed capacity of 5 MW. Figure 3. Detailed one-line diagram for Feeder 1. FigFuigruer3e.3D. Deteatailieleddoonnee--lliinneeddiiaaggrarammfofroFreFeedeedr e1r. 1. InInvvenentitoionnss22001177, ,22, ,66 77oof f2200 Using the available load demand data and circuit ...
The Decumulation (Payout) Phase of Defined Contribution Pillars:Policy Issues in the Provision of Annuities and Other Benefits [ J ]. Policy Research Working NO. 2464, Washington, DC : The World Bank. (DC) Paper,.James, E., & Vittas D. (1999). The Decumulation (Payout) Phase of ...
The article focuses on two studies in Great Britain concerning the effects of nursery school on later educational achievement, one focusing on the Early Years Foundation Stage program and the other on the Effective Provision of Pre-school Education Project....