formula may increase infant exposure to non–protein-bound iron. apolactoferrin derived from breast milk may protect infants from early iron-mediated brain injury that would otherwise impair later neurodevelopment. a general protective effect of apolactoferrin of maternal origin was previously proposed. ...
Babies unable to receive breast milk must receive specialize formulas -- often EHCF as a first-line approach, or an amino acid-based formula for severe forms of CMA or in those with multiple food allergies -- leading to high costs for families if the disease persists. Strict exclusion ...
There is nothing inherent in sleeping separately that prevents a mother from breastfeeding exclusively. Bed sharing just makes breastfeeding more convenient. But according to lactivist logic, if convenience is not an acceptable reason for using formula instead of breastfeeding, it couldn’t p...
The protective effect of breast feeding in relation to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS): I. The effect of human milk and infant formula preparations on ... Top of page1Introduction 2Materials and methods 3Results 4Discussion Acknowledgements References Epidemiological studies indicate that breast-...
With the poor conversion of ALA and EPA to DHA, together with the particularly important roles for DHA in humans, inclusion of DHA in infant formula is now widespread. With regard to mental health conditions, a range of studies have examined the effect of the LC omega-3 oils on mild ...
Seafood supply from aquaculture has risen over the past decades and it relies on harvest of wild catch fisheries also for its fish oil needs. Alternate sources of LC omega-3 oils are being pursued, including genetically modified soybean rich in shorter-chain stearidonic acid (SDA, 18:4ω3)...