"Bendy and the Ink Machine®" is a first person puzzle action horror game that begins in the far days past of animation and ends in a very dark future.Play as Henry as he revisits the demons of his past by exploring the abandoned animator's workshop of Joey Drew Studios. With twists...
Fight the darkness. Escape the Ink Demon. Fear the Machine. Varied Game Play! - First person combat, horror, puzzles, stealth and numerous hidden secrets. A Beautiful Cartoon World! - Lovingly crafted by a small indie studio. A Global Bendy Community! - Delve deep into the mystery and join...
Discover the truth There are many questions in the game that you will find answers to as youuncover the secretssurrounding Bendy and the Ink Machine. Where is Joey and how are the cartoons alive? The game is a brilliant mix of mystery, suspense, and action made better with its interesting ...
《Bendy and the Ink Machine》是独立作者TheMeatly制作的一款复古卡通风格的第一人称恐怖冒险解谜游戏。 邦迪与墨水机的短评 ···(全部 68 条) 热门/最新/友邻 5有用 深蓝蓝蓝2019年1月20日 搜不到MiatriSs的音乐专辑只能先标记游戏了.. 2有用 ...
Bendy and the Ink Machine at a glance. Status: Released, 27 April 2017. Platforms: PC, Switch, Xbox One, PS4, Mac. Genre: Adventure. Companies: Joey Drew Studios, Rooster Teeth Productions, Maximum Games. Tags: Linux, Puzzle solving, First-person, 2D, Ho
Bendy and the Ink Machine (Video Game 2017) - Official sites, and other sites with posters, videos, photos and more.
2. Excellent Material: The Bendy And The Ink Plush Doll is made of super soft short plush, filled with PP cotton, soft and comfortable, smooth to the touch, and delicate texture, suitable for children to hug and play at close range. ...
Bendy and the Ink Machine is a very creepy first person horror adventure in which you explore an old cartoon workshop you used to work in, where it appears some cartoons have taken on a life of their own. Bendy and the Ink Machine is the brainchild of th
You'll never look at toons the same way About The Game Bendy and the Ink Machine is the first-person puzzle action horror game that will forever ruin your childhood love of cartoons. Fear the machine and survive.
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