可拆卸的净化阀组件包含净化阀机构和涡轮增压器截止功能,旨在防止 AD-IP™ 空气干燥器净化循环期间发动机“涡轮”增压压力损失。 为了便于维修,所有可更换组件均可更换,无需将空气干燥器从其安装在车辆上拆下。 The function of the Bendix® AD-IP™ integral purge air dryer is to collect and remove air...
The WS-24™ wheel speed sensor is an electromagnetic device used to obtain vehicle speed information for an antilock controller. When the wheel rotates, the sensor and an exciter ring (sometimes called a “rotor” or “tone” wheel)generate a simple AC signal. This signal is sent to ...
065225 AD-9 Air Dryer 107794 AD-9 Cartridge Assembly 107796 AD-9 Minor Kit 109578 AD-9 Service Kit 109871N Spares Kit 5004224N Kit 5005037 AD-9 Kit wbk The development course 1949 - Zuoyan Zhu set up the hardware workshop,the specialized in hardware...
The air dryer purge piston cycles rapidly in the compressor unloaded (non-compressing) mode.Compressor fails to “unload” dissasembelind a Bendix air dryer service manual and inspection:TESTING THE AD-9 Air DryerBefore placing the vehicle in service, perform the following tests:...