Many papers have been devoted to the problems for elliptical cracks in an elastic medium, but all their attention has been concentrated on the determination of stress intensity factors. In the current paper, elastic -stress solutions are derived by means of the potential method and a specific ...
Stress Analysis Publishers, Southampton, England, 1970. Google Scholar Jaswon, M. A., and Maiti, M., An integral formulation of plate bending problems, J. Engng. Math. 2, 83–93 (1968). Article MATH Google Scholar Maiti, M., and Chakrabarty, S. K., Integral equation solutions for...
As an example of their application, numerical solutions of linear problems on free and forced bending-torsional oscillations of an anisotropic elongated plate fixed on a spherical hinge are found. It is assumed that such a supporting element of the plate is located at some small distance from ...
; surface settlement of the functionally-graded layer outside of plate; and value of the radial and tangential moments in the thin circular plate. The developed method allows one to construct analytical solutions with prescribed accuracy and gives the opportunity to conduct multiparametric and ...
来源期刊 International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 研究点推荐 T-stress solutions through-wall circumferential cracks straight pipes 站内活动 0关于我们 百度学术集成海量学术资源,融合人工智能、深度学习、大数据分析等技术,为科研工作者提供全面快捷的学术服务。在这里我们保持学习的态度,不忘初心,...
Finally, in Table 2εf,max is the FRCM strain at the fatigue cycle peak while the rebar stress reduction rate ξ and the exploitation ratio η are defined in Eq. (2) and Eq. (4), respectively. Table 1. Main geometrical characteristics of strengthened beams considered. ReferenceSet-upRC ...
Custom curved products in steel, stainless and aluminium. Specialised in bending and processing technology for metal tubes, sections and plates
ofpressurisedpiping.Furthermore,inthereferencestress approach[1],itcanbeusedtoestimatenon-linearfracture mechanicsparameters,suchasJandC*integrals(seefor instance[2–4]).Despitetheirsignificance,plasticlimitload solutionsforpipebendsarenotyetclear,comparedtothosefor straightpipes.Forstraightpipeswithoutanydefec...
With respect to most traditional solutions, by means of ADI the requirements of strength and accuracy of the gear teeth can be satisfied without an additional finishing step after the heat treatment: the teeth can be obtained by broaching and, thanks to the low distortion which can be granted ...
Each model requires a small number of degrees of freedom, an important feature because applying the GA involves the solution of a large number of eigenvalue problems. In order to support the physical interpretation of the optimal designs, mode shapes and stress fields corresponding to some optimal...