Más de 6.000 miembros de la industria automovilística mundial utilizan actualmente la plataforma Quality Connection™ para supervisar continuamente el rendimiento de los productos con respecto a las expectativas de los clientes. Nuestro enfoque jerárquico de las encuestas permite que la experienc...
Si tu ecommerce cuenta con valores tan marcados, capaces de conectar con un target determinado, apuesta por darle visibilidad. 2. Benchmarking funcional Este tipo de benchmarking tiene como objetivo identificar las mejores prácticas en un área concreta de una empresa líder o que destaque en...
Glehen O, Gilly FN, Arvieux C, Cotte E, Boutitie F, Mansvelt B, Bereder JM, Lorimier G, Quenet F, Elias D: Peritoneal carcinomatosis from gastric cancer: a multi-institutional study of 159 patients treated by cytoreductive surgery combined with perioperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy. Ann...
Desarrollo una tipologia para los analisis comparativos regionales y comparadores, y desde un punto de visto critico evaluo la literatura. Sostengo que los criticos del analisis comparativo regional no tienen en cuenta la variedad y el desarrollo de los sistemas comparativos regionales. Sugi...
Writethrough: I/O from the guest is cached on the host but written through to the physical medium. This mode is slower and prone to scaling problems. Best used for a small number of guests with lower I/O requirements. Suggested for guests that do not support a writeback cache (such as...
(group O). Second, the separator together with the positive electrode composite of thebest performerswas compressed within the narrow(er) range between 300 and 590 MPa for times between 1 and 5 min. Third, the compression of the whole cell, namely CC + SE + In/(InLi)x, ...
O Check Point Infinity Global Services fornece serviços de segurança de ponta a ponta que lhe permitem aumentar a experiência de sua equipe, projetar práticas recomendadas e evitar ameaças em tempo real. Onde quer que o senhor esteja em sua jornada de segurança cibernética...
oDGEMM(CPU): Similar to Linpack, but just matrix-matrix multiply on separate nodes without communications between them. oSTREAM(memory): Measures bandwidth between CPU and memory using vector-scalar multiply-add operations. oRandomAccess(memory): Measures the update rate of integers in random memory...
Funk, M. Boucqueau, and F. Craven, Octalis benchmarking: comparison of four water- marking techniques, Security and Watermarking of Multime- dia Contents (San Jose, California) (Ping Wah Wong and Ed- ward J. Delp, eds.), vol. 3657, January 1999, pp. 240-250....
ARGOS: French Evaluation Campaign for benchmarking of video content analysis methods - art. no. 65060Odoi:10.1117/12.707939Jenny Benois PineauPhilippe JolyEwa KijakGeorges QuenotP. Joly, E. Kijak, G. Que´not, and J. Benois-Pineau, "Ar- gos: French evaluation campaign for benchmarking of...