PCMark 10 Express needs only 2 GB of system memory and a display with 1280 × 720 resolution. Applications system requirements OSWindows 10 ProcessorDual-core CPU Memory2 GB of system memory GraphicsDirectX 11 Display1280 × 720 Hard drive2 GB free space ...
With a range of performance tests, custom run options, Battery Life Profile, and new Storage benchmarks, PCMark 10 is the complete PC benchmark for the modern office. Buy now The industry standard PC performance benchmark for Windows 10. Relevant tests which reflect the varied demands of ...
Run a PCMark 10 Battery Life benchmark scenario Run the PCMark 10 Modern Office battery life benchmark and save the result to a given file. PCMark10Cmd.exe --definition=pcm10_modern_office_batterylife.pcmdef --out=C:\PCMark10Results\myresults.pcmark10-result Note that th...
python setup.py build develop fails on Windows 10 Maskrcnn-benchmark在windows系统的安装 build maskrcnn-benchmark for win10+vs2017 edited CUDA files to avoid Windows 10 build errors 如果出错可以来这里找找有没有同病相怜的: 官方bug讨论
Ready for Windows 11 All the currently supported benchmarks and feature tests in 3DMark are compatible with Windows 11. Windows on Arm Steel Nomad Light, Steel Nomad, Solar Bay, 3DMark Wild Life, Wild Life Extreme, and Night Raid are compatible with Windows 10 on Arm and Windows 11 on Arm...
Uses Vulkan 1.1 on Android, Windows 10 and 11 Uses Metal on iOS devices Renders at 2560 × 1440 resolution. Ray tracing benchmark for lightweight and mobile devices. Port Royal Ray tracing benchmark for graphics cards 3DMark Port Royal is the world’s first dedicated real-time ray tracing ...
Uses Vulkan 1.1 on Android, Windows 10 and 11 Uses Metal on iOS devices Renders at 2560 × 1440 resolution. Ray tracing benchmark for lightweight and mobile devices. Port Royal Ray tracing benchmark for graphics cards 3DMark Port Royal is the world’s first dedicated real-time ray tracing ...
3600 CL16-16-16-36 OS: Windows 11 24H2, Core Isolation (HVCI) enabled Chipset driver: Power options: Balanced Intel GPU driver: 🎥 Recorded with dual PC Setup (The GPU was only connected to a capture card via HDMI 2.1, without a second monitor. No ...
The benchmark is compatible with Windows 11 and all supported versions of Windows 10, from version 2004 onward. The benchmark is also compatible with devices running Windows 10 on Arm. The benchmark produces an Office Productivity Benchmark score, with higher scores indicating better performance. ...
1.9版本新增了Windows 10的支持,无需再和以前版本那样得先安装.net framework4.5才能使用,但同时1.9版本也不再支持XP系统了,估计也没多少SSD用户还在用XP了吧? juli83 崭露头角 10 贵啊 杨树的杨树 富有美誉 14 好 莫优雅爱你 配角乙 8 好666666666666 feibao55 小有名气 12 能给个链接下载...