Cinebench is one of the best GPU benchmark test software for Windows and Mac devices. The app can carry out a series of tests to test the capabilities of your computer system. Unlike most other benchmark apps, Cinebench provides real-world benchmarking including common tasks performed by user...
下载地址:PCMark for Android Benchmark 4.3D Mark- The Gamer’s Benchmark 3D Mark- The Gamer’s Benchmark支持: 游戏与温度测试; 不同等级压力测试; 与其他手机对比; 下载地址:3D Mark- The Gamer’s Benchmark 5.CPU Throttling Test CPU Throttling Test支持: CPU测试; 一致性测试; 下载地址:CPU Thro...
GFXBench is a tool that provides complete graphics performance analysis with more than one test and detailed information on your device. This free GPU benchmark tool helps you compare your graphic card with similar ones. Features: Graphics Test Customization:Modify your graphics testing parameters to ...
It is very easy to perform GPU benchmarking test using this software. First, go toAdditional test optionsto customize a few test specifications like test (SD video, HD video, Full HD video, etc.), number of threads, GPU acceleration, etc. After that, click on theRun benchmarkbutton and...
For example, the restaurant owner might visit other local eateries as a customer during peak hours to observe their service speeds. 4. Monitor results and identify gaps After you’ve set goals and collected data, run your benchmarking test and analyze the results. This involves comparing ...
Collection of benchmark scripts for LLFree Related Projects Allocator: Modified Linux: Benchmark Module: Usage Before executing the benchmarks, you have to build the modified kerne...
b.(as modifier):a benchmark test. vb to measure or test against a benchmark:the firm benchmarked its pay against that in industry. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011,...
It's easy to find the right test for your PC. 3DMark automatically scans your hardware & recommends the best benchmark for your system. Choose your tests 3DMark grows bigger every year with new tests. When you buy 3DMark from Steam, you can choose to install only the tests you need. ...
For iOS- Free For Android- Free 3DMark bietet Gaming-Benchmarks für eine breite Palette von Hardware- und Grafik-API-Technologien. Desktop, Laptop, Gaming-Handheld, Tablet oder Telefon? Raytracing-Gaming oder nicht? Testen Sie Ihre GPU, SSD oder CPU?
You may also like:9 Best Anti-Spy Apps for Android & iOS Basemark GPU And lastly, Basemark GPU is a multi-platform benchmark app that can test the graphic performance of your device. This app empowers you to estimate the graphic capabilities of your gadget and compare it with other mode...