benchmark一般是和同行中比较牛的算法比较,比牛算法还好,那你可以考虑发好一点的会议/期刊; baseline一般是自己算法优化和调参过程中自己和自己比较,目标是越来越好,当性能超过benchmark时,可以发表了,当性能甚至超过SOTA时,恭喜你,考虑投顶会顶刊啦。
baseline 可以理解成比较中作为“参照物”的存在,强调比较,在比较中作为参照物,基线。 benchmark:本身是一种标准、规则。
In addition, a baseline running detection algorithm is presented and extensively evaluated on the proposed benchmark qualitatively and quantitatively. The main purpose of this paper is to lay the foundation for further research in the human running detection domain, by making experimental evaluation ...
《Multispectral Pedestrian Detection: Benchmark Dataset and Baseline (CVPR 2015),程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
can automatically predict operation parameters. Not only performing well on challenging user data, but such an approach is also highly interpretable. We believe our work, including both the benchmark and the baseline, will advance the image editing area towards a more general and free-form level....
Multispectral Pedestrian Detection: Benchmark Dataset and BaselineSoonmin Hwang Jaesik Park Namil Kim Yukyung Choi In So KweonKorea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Republic of Korea[smhwang,jspark,nikim,ykchoi], the increasi...
Towards Video Text Visual Question Answering: Benchmark and Baseline [Paper] Accepted by NeurIPS 2022. Describition A novel task namedVideoTextVisualQuestionAnswering(ViteVQAin short), which aims at answering questions by jointly reasoning textual and visual information in a given video. ...
Also, modern energy modeling tool are introduced to demonstrate how they can be utilized for benchmarking and baseline models. This will provide the ability to obtain energy saving recommendations and parametric analysis to explore energy savings potential. These same energy models can be used in ...