Ben & Jerry’s ice cream pints are recognizable all over the world. Ben had the genius idea to pack their iconic ice cream flavors into pint-sized packages to sell in grocery stores. The rest is history! Today, we still pack our ice cream pints full of the euphoric chunks and swirls ...
Ben & Jerry’s offers 98 Flavors of Ice Cream. Flavors Available In Dairy, Non-Dairy, Gluten Free, and More. Find Your New Favorite Flavor Today.
Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream, Caramel Chocolate Cheesecake, 16.0 oz 4.1 2424.1 out of 5 stars. 242 total reviews. Navigate to Ratings and Reviews section $6.99 $0.44/oz Sign in to unlock savings and earn myWalgreens cash rewards on every purchase. Fulfillment Delivery Options Store Pickup Inven...
Ben & Jerry's ice cream🍨 不愧是全球十大冰淇淋之一,一口气买了五个口味,每一个都很喜欢❗️ 经典款用料太实在了,布朗尼蛋糕大到怕你看不到,巧克力饼干直接把面团切一切放进来,每一口都能吃到料,真的过瘾 Netflix合作限定款,我觉得很棒,花生酱添加让口感更丰富 core款是冰淇淋中心有焦糖酱/布朗尼酱/...
BenJerry冰淇淋(焦糖布丁味)又名冰淇淋(焦糖布丁味),Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream (Crème Brûlée)。每100克含有281.8千卡热量,32.7克碳水化合物,15.5克脂肪,3.6克蛋白质,0.0克纤维素。BenJerry冰淇淋(焦糖布丁味)热量含量一般,减肥期间需要有控制地食用。脂肪含量较高,高胆固醇人群不宜食用。 总的来说,BenJerry冰...
Official site for Ben & Jerry's super premium ice cream, frozen yogurt, sorbet, and non-dairy. Peace, Love, & Ice Cream.
Official site for Ben & Jerry's super premium ice cream, frozen yogurt, sorbet, and non-dairy. Peace, Love, & Ice Cream.
Walmart 最新食品酒饮折扣信息 Ben&Jerry's 2021年十大受欢迎口味 快看看有没有你的爱吧 16oz每罐$4.38
Ben & Jerry’s has been making delicious ice cream since school friends Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield founded the company back in 1978. Their aim is – and always has been – to make the best possible ice cream in the nicest possible way....
Ben & Jerry’s 作为全美第三大冰淇淋公司之一,Ben & Jerry's在英国非常常见和受欢迎。这是两个美国小伙共同开创的品牌,品牌名就是两位好基友的名字。 虽然哈根达斯名声在外,但是Ben & Jerry’s在英国似乎比哈根达斯更受欢迎一些。在各个英国的电影院都可以看到Ben&Jerry's的冰淇淋机,在伦敦还有一家Ben& Jerry'...