This new animated adaptation of Ben Hur, has but one thing to recommend, namely the voice of Charlton Heston. It is delightful to hear his distinguished voice as he reprises his Oscar winning role. The animation is rather on the crude side by Disney standards but as long as you don't wa...
Ben-Hur: Regia di Timur Bekmambetov. Con Jack Huston, Toby Kebbell, Rodrigo Santoro, Nazanin Boniadi. Judah Ben-Hur, un principe falsamente accusato di tradimento dal fratello adottivo, ufficiale dell'esercito romano, torna in patria dopo anni in mare pe
In this case, director Timur Bekmambetov is smart and edgy, but moviegoers who remember films like “Ben-Hur” are more likely to give them credence when Martin Scorsese, Darren Aronofsky or Ridley Scott (all of whom have stepped into biblical waters) are involved. And for both audiences ...
The outlook was far more certain — and negative — for director Timur Bekmambetov’s remake ofBen-Hur, however, with the $100 million project earning just $11.3 million in its opening weekend. Sour reviews certainly didn’t help its case, and now the only question is how much Paramount ...
12/5/2024 by Competitions Studios Want Oscar Recognition for ‘Inside Out 2’ and ‘The Wild Robot’ Beyond Animated Feature. Will Voters Embrace Them? 11/8/2024 by Clayton Davis Variety Film + TV Ben Hur (II) MGM, Paramount Say 'Ben Hur' Musicians Not Covered by Union...
Himp, Dr. Not, Elephant, Francis Scott Key, Frog, Furrball, George Bailey, Hercules, Hogdar, John Wilkes Booth, Judah Ben-Hur, Kiki, Korn, Lee Stressbird, Lem Botchitt, Lennie, Lion, Lionel Tempjob, Magic Mirror, Mr. President, Mr. Squeak, Municipal Bond, Old Dog, Pound Keeper, ...
Ben-Hur: Regia di Timur Bekmambetov. Con Jack Huston, Toby Kebbell, Rodrigo Santoro, Nazanin Boniadi. Judah Ben-Hur, un principe falsamente accusato di tradimento dal fratello adottivo, ufficiale dell'esercito romano, torna in patria dopo anni in mare pe