The 1959 version of "Ben-Hur" is without a doubt one of the truly great motion picture epics, so it was with surprise, and dismay, that I saw this 2010 re-make mini series appear on my local TV channel, and against my better judgment started to watch, what could only be, this trav...
Short Film: "I Could Tell You, But I'd Really Have To Kill You" Here's an entertaining short film from directorMax Shermantitled "But I'd Really Have To Kill You" that pokes fun at the inane small talk that happens all the time in office environments. This hit Vimeo a few months...
Az egyes hurkok feldolgozása után a művelet végrehajtása történik. Ebben a példában a művelet $i++1-zel növekszik $i .A kapcsos zárójelek közötti szkriptblokk minden alkalommal lefut, amikor a ciklus feldolgozásra kerül. Az előző példában ...