Lexi Simonsen Lexy Hammonds Leyda Aleyli Leyton Orient LFF2020 Li Xiaofeng Liam Conlan Liam Firmager Liam Francis Collins Liam Gavin Liam Hourican Liam McMahon Liam Murphy Liam Neeson Liam Noble Liam O'Connor-Genereaux Liane Balaban Lice Millar Licia McNeill Life after...
While hardly more closely knit in structure than its earlier companion pieces, “Poetaster” is planned to lead up to the ludicrous final scene in which, after a device borrowed from the “Lexiphanes” of Lucian, the offending poetaster, Marston-Crispinus, is made to throw up the difficult ...
Ben Affleck and Matt Damon’s production company, Artists Equity, recently bought Charles Randolph’s screenplay based on Ryan Holiday’s book Conspiracy: Peter Thiel, Hulk Hogan, Gawker, and the Anatomy of Intrigue, per Variety. Finally, one of the three Gawker movies will maybe actually get ...
“Lexiphanes” of Lucian, the offending poetaster, Marston-Crispinus,is made to throw up the difficult words with which he hadoverburdened his stomach as well as overlarded his vocabulary. Inthe end Crispinus with his fellow, Dekker-Demetrius, is bound overto keep the peace and never t...