To celebrate the craft of the shoe, the savviness of the marketing campaign, the vision of Nike, the devotion of a mother, and the skill of an athlete, but tonotto tie that all together with a performance of Jordan, even a brief one, is to treat him not as a man but an unknowable...
Echelon Mall Took a brief trip around the old Echelon Mall to hunt for the lost city of Exhilarama. Carolyn and Remy Had another great year with this lady, but we lost one of the pack. I’ve never really connected with a dog before and Remy was a special one. He was predictable ...
I thought of this meme, which pops up every time Apple’s stock hits a new all-time high, while considering the price Apple paid for P.A. Semiback in 2008; for a mere $278 million the company acquired the talent and IP foundation that would undergird its A-series of chips, which ...
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