仅供参考,由机器翻译系统提供。查看原文,请访问:Etymology, origin and meaning of bemused 广告 在bemused 附近的词典条目 beluga belvedere Bembo bemoan bemuse bemused bemusement ben bench benchmark bench-warmer 链接论坛参考文献链接产品iOS 应用安卓应用Chrome 扩展关于网站作者网站简介在Facebook 关注我们支持通过...
lost in thought; preoccupied. mildly amused, especially in a detached way. Discover More Confusables Note Seebemuse. Discover More Other Words From be·mus·ed·ly[bih-, myoo, -zid-lee],adverb un be·mused adjective Word History and Origins ...
bemused meaning, definition, what is bemused: looking as if you are confused: Learn more.
How does context change the meaning of amused? Context dictates whether it’s a reaction to humor or general enjoyment. 6 How do you use amused in a sentence? "She was amused by the clever joke." 5 What's the emotion behind bemused? Bemused often reflects puzzlement or mild bewilderment...
The meaning of BEMUSE is to make confused : puzzle, bewilder. How to use bemuse in a sentence. Did you know? Are amused and bemused synonyms?
Bemused is a valid Scrabble word. Bemused is a word starting with b ending with d. Check our list ofwords starting with b ending with d. Dictionary definitions of the word bemused The meaning of bemused bemused 3 definitions of the word bemused. ...
The meaning of UNBEMUSED is not bemused. How to use unbemused in a sentence.
But actually, one's choices are whittled down quite quickly, for two reasons. First, although they look gorgeous piled in a heap, you can quickly weed through to find real gems among the plainer designs or color combinations. And secondly, the mittens aren't sized. Meaning, there are no...
about a few commuters on their way to work here, we are talking about dozens of people with absolutely zero sense of what a queue is all clamouring in a scrum that would cause the New York riot police some problems. The term ‘crowd’ really does takes on a whole new meaning in Delhi...
This was not made public in the hope that they were overly pessimistic, meaningmany had already set off for the track by the time they learned of theabandonment. Gillespie said: We didnt have enough hard information to relay outside ouroffice. Yesterday evening, what we were hoping for was...