Whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci) and the diseases they transmit are a major detriment to crop yields and a significant contributor to world hunger. The highly evolved interactions of host plant, phloem-feeding insect vector with endosymbionts and persistently
Greathead, A. H. Host plants, Chapter 3, pp. 17-25. inBemisia tabaci- A Literature Survey on the Cotton Whitefly with an annotated Bibliography, (ed M. J. W. Cock), CAB International Institute of Biological Control, Ascot, UK (1986).https://www.cabidigitallibrary.org/doi/full/10.5555...
Arthropod parasitoids and predators are ubiquitous and operate continuously on all life stages of the whitefly, functioning as control factors in the process. The goal of biological control is to better exploit this behavior in order to more effectively
Fig. 4.6.1.Cotton whiteflies,Bemisia tabaci: adult. Photo by Scot Bauer, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Bemisia tabaciexhibit markedly differences in biological traits, such as host range, host specialization, invasiveness, reproductive differences, and virus transmission, without corresponding morphol...
tabaci populations were lowest in these treatments after eight weeks. Phytotoxicity risks of these treatments were acceptable, and dip residues had little effect on survival of either parasitoid, and are considered highly compatible; (4) Use of poinsettia cutting dips will allow growers to knock-...
tabaci on tomato in field cage studies. N. tenuis is extensively used as a biological control agent for whiteflies and lepidopterans in Southern European tomato production systems [1]. Although N. tenuis is considered one of the most effective zoophytophagous biocontrol agents, this mirid can ...