Beltline (Calgary, Região de Calgary, Alberta) é um subúrbio e tem uma elevação de 1.052 metros. Mapcarta, o mapa aberto.
Beltline is a region of central Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Beltline has an elevation of 1,052 metres. Mapcarta, the open map.
Not only does it include two of the city's oldest neighbourhoods, but it also encompasses the Stampede Grounds, the site of Calgary's annual Calgary Stampede which sees over 1.25 million visitors per year. WikiMatrix La orienta parto de la Beltline estas parto de la granda Riverodistrikto...
变形 干 Distinct from downtown and south of 9th Avenue is Calgary's densest neighbourhood, the Beltline. Aparta de la Urbocentro kaj troviĝanta sude la 9a Avenuo estas la plej dense loĝata kvartalo de Kalgario, la Beltline. WikiMatrix 最...