亚特兰大环城公路(Atlanta Beltline)上的一段道路在一夜之间涂上了黄色以致敬在全国范围内方兴未艾的““黑人的命也是命(Black Lives Matter) ”运动。参观佐治亚州亚特兰大(Atlanta, Georgia)的街头壁画,可以了解更多关于这个运动的信息。 #黑人历史月# #体验美国黑人文化# ...
亚特兰大Beltline,户外好去处! 如果你不喜欢待在家里,那么Atlanta的Beltline绝对是一个好选择!作为本地人,我强烈推荐大家来这里走走看看。 Beltline有很多入口,我个人最喜欢从10th street和Monroe dr的交界处进入。你可以选择跑步、散步,或者像我一样,骑上满地都能找到的电动Scooter。经过比较,我发现LYFT出租车app下的...
亚特兰大生活网 AtlantaChineseLife新媒体,即时传递美国佐治亚州-Georgia-亚特兰大-Atlanta-华人生活相关的各类衣食住行、吃喝玩乐实用资讯。随时了解海外华人社区的各种新闻、活动,一个与同城华人无界限共同交流的有用生活信息平台。 公众号 如果你问,亚特兰大有...
主题徒步旅行 🌳 如果你对植物感兴趣,那么跟随Trees Atlanta的专家讲解员一起漫步,了解Beltline沿线的园艺和植物信息,开启一段以植物为主题的徒步之旅。此外,Beltline还打造了全沉浸的展馆Illuminarium,通过投影和环绕立体声,带你进入一个影像沉浸式的世界,展览主题定期更换,从动物到太空,应有尽有。 骑行🚴♂...
"海鲜餐厅,精选供应地只为提供最优质的海鲜饮食体验。牡蛎非常精致美味。" 直线距离4.6km 查看全部 Illuminarium Atlanta 3.1 直线距离<100m Eclipso Atlanta- Horizon of Khufu 2.2 直线距离<100m Ode to Wonder 1.3 直线距离195m 查看全部 亚特兰大 Atlanta 景点所属目的地热门...
牡蛎非常精致美味。" 直线距离5.0km 查看全部 Cornerstone Church 1.9 直线距离154m Mother Clyde Memorial West End Garden / Urban Pepper Farm 直线距离288m Sankofa United Church of Christ Atlanta 1.3 直线距离397m 查看全部 亚特兰大 Atlanta 景点所属目的地...
The development of project management tools for the Atlanta BeltLine Inc. At Rose Companies, we devote our time to projects that will create a lasting impact on growing communities. Come see how we create change for the future.
Stretching from Piedmont Park in Midtown to Reynoldstown east of the city, the Atlanta Beltline Eastside Trail is full of beautiful views, great food and street art. Make a day out of all the things to experience on the Eastside Trail....
Looking back, Higgs said the pivotal moment during his tenure came in 2021 when the City of Atlanta passed the“special service district,” where multi-family and commercial property owners pay more in taxes to support the BeltLine. “That was the seminal moment in our history that really ...
Experience the wonders of the world up close with great deals on things to do near and far. We offer one-of-a-kind activities that allow you to explore Atlanta your way. Whether you love nature, culture, food, or a bit of adventure, we have the perfect activity for you. ...