At Belt Road Capital Management, we accelerate execution with ideas driven by the future. Contact Looking for collaboration? Our Headquarters Belt Road Capital Tower #282, Corner Preah Monivong Blvd (93) and Oknha Men St. (200), Phnom Penh. ...
Belt Road Capital无需融资 +关注 Belt Road Capital 认领企业 委托联系 维护信息 无需融资 运营中 查看官网 Belt Road Capital Management是一家专注于大湄公河次区域的私募股权投资管理公司。Belt Road Capital Management is a private equity investment manager focused on the Greater Mekong Sub-Region. They...
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Belt Road Capital Management 认领企业 委托联系 维护信息 无需融资 运营中 查看官网查看更多企业信息> 修改信息关注 认领企业 委托联系 维护信息相关企业 关于TOIPO模型 亿欧“TOIPO模型”旨在通过数据呈现企业创新力,帮助企业明确提升方向,如需相关服务,欢迎加入“产业伙伴计划” 点击了解详细内容> 企业评分: ...
Mekong-focused private equity firmBelt Road Capital Management(BRCM) has invested AUD $2.25 million ($1.8 million) inDigital Classified Group(DCG), an online classified group based in Australia. Start your deal-making journey now! Subscribe now to enjoy unlimited acce...
企业信息 中文名称:亞太壹帶壹路投資管理有限公司 英文名称:Asia Pacific Belt and Road Capital Management Co., Limited 公司现状:仍注册 公司类别:私人股份有限公司 成立日期:2020-04-16 注册编号:2932379(点击查看企业详情) 历史名称:2020年4月16日 Asia Pacific Belt and Road Capital Management Co., Limited...
the Belt & Road Hospital Cooperation Alliance, the Belt & Road Health Policy Research Network, and the China-ASEAN Human Resources Training Program of Health Silk Road (2020-2022), China has helped BRI partner countries to train tens of thousands of professionals in health management, public heal...
"I think the government has to develop new trade links such as how the Hong Kong SAR government is working very closely with the Belt and Road countries and regions,” said Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Chief Executive Wilson Kwong.
Studying the relationship between economic risk and infrastructure investment is of great significance for guiding enterprises to do a good job in risk management,improving investment efficiency and promoting the Belt and Road Initiative. Based on the cross-border panel data of China and 149 Belt and...