BELSIL® PDM 20 is a phenyl-modified polydimethylsiloxane characterized by having a higher refractive index than dimethicone fluids (1.38-1.40). It offers clear advantages over dimethicones with regard to skin feel, shine and compatibility with other cosmetic raw materials. 下载 TDS 技术...
BELSIL® PDM 20 is a phenyl-modified polydimethylsiloxane characterized by having a higher refractive index than dimethicone fluids. It is used in all k...
配方添加BELSIL® EG 6000的轻柔薄雾护发精华油是一款喷雾型发油,能均匀覆盖发丝,高效养护,轻薄好吸收,摆脱厚重粘腻的烦恼,在头发上形成一层透气薄膜,有效抚平毛鳞片,让秀发丝丝顺滑。 配方同时还复配瓦克苯基硅油BELSIL ® PDM 20,在有效抚顺秀发的同时,还能时刻保持亮泽,飘逸自如! 处理前 处理后 水光秀发 随时...
BELSIL PDM 20 此内容适用于德国。系统检测到您来自中国大陆。您希望将中国大陆设置为您的新国家吗? BELSIL®PDM 20 功能性硅油(INCI) BELSIL® BELSIL®PDM 20 is a phenyl-modified polydimethylsiloxane characterized by having a higher refractive index than dimethicone fluids (1.38-1.40). It o...