amputation名— 截肢名 · 断肢名 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2024 使用DeepL翻译器,即刻翻译文本和文档 随打随译 世界领先的质量 拖放文件 立刻翻译 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) The ball may be kicked with any part of the legfrombelowthekneetothe toe but ...
amputation n. 切断,切断手术 knee n.[C] 1.(人或动物的)膝关节;膝,膝盖 2.(裤子等的)膝部 3.(曲)膝状物 4.(曲线图的)弯曲,拐点 5.(树的)木节,木瘤;(沼泽生树木的)根膝 6.(the knee) in knee 【医】 膝外翻 below normal 【经】 低于正常程度的 below par adj. 低于平常水准的 belo...
below-elbow (B-E) amputation amputation of the upper limb between the wrist and the elbow. below-knee (B-K) amputation transtibial amputation Chopart's amputation amputation of the foot, with the calcaneus, talus, and other parts of the tarsus being retained. cineplastic amputation kineplasty...
Keeling JJ, Schon LC (2007) Tibiofibular bridge synostosis in below-knee amputation. Tech Foot Ankle Surg 6(3):156-161Keeling JJ, Schon LC. Tibiofibular bridge synostosis in below-knee amputation. Tech Foot Ankle Surg. 2007;6(3):156-61....
amputation (redirected frombelow-knee (B-K) amputation) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia cutting off, especially of a body part:After the amputation of his leg he was fitted for a prosthesis. Not to be confused with: imputation– an accusation; an attribution, as of fault:His imputation was comp...
6) below-knee prothesis 膝下假肢 参考词条 长及膝下四英寸的宽松裤磁化等离子体波零点对应定理 补充资料:截肢 截肢 amputation 离段肢体的治疗手段。目的是借助截肢以挽救生命及截除坏死的肢体。手术指征为严重创伤不适于再植或肢体坏死,由于感染、冻伤、烧伤、电击伤、周围血管疾患或代谢性疾患而引起的肢体坏死,以...
网络释义 1. 膝下截肢 奥可思医学英语资讯网 ... twice a day 一日两次below the knee amputation膝下截肢basic life support 基本生命支持系统 ...|基于2个网页
below-knee-amputation-BK网络膝下截肢网络释义 1. 膝下截肢 2) 膝下截肢(below knee amputation BK):应从胫骨平台开始测量 15CM3 ) 上臂截肢应在肩峰下约16-24CM4) 前臂截肢应肘下…|基于1 个网页© 2025 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
amputation (redirected frombelow-knee amputation) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Related to below-knee amputation:transtibial amputation amputation(ămˌpyətāˈshən), removal of all or part of a limb or other body part. Although amputation has been practiced for centuries, the development ...
iWALK Crutch Before Amputation. Whether you’ve suffered a traumatic life-changing injury or have been dealing with excruciating pain requiring foot amputation surgery, the iWALK Crutch is a game changer! Contemplating an imminent below-knee amputation is traumatic. Concerns of loss of mobility, day...