Laravel与方法" with“的关系返回null 、、今天,我想做一些干净的代码,所以我开始选择with relationship的列。但是当我开始为"with“方法选择列时: 'family' => function ($query) { }])->where([ 'is_active' => t 浏览1提问于2017-09-25得票数 0 1回答 如果belongTo关系返回null,则返回默认值 、 这...
在Laravel中,可以使用belongsTo方法来定义多个关联关系。belongsTo方法用于定义一个反向的一对多关系,即一个模型属于另一个模型。 要在Laravel中定义多个belongsTo关联关系,可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 首先,在需要定义关联关系的模型中,使用belongsTo方法来定义关联关系。该方法接受两个参数,第一个参数是关联模型的类名,...
There is an issue with column overriding that will be fixed in Laravel 5.8: In the meantime, you can use a BelongsToMany relationship: public function wheels() { return $this->belongsToMany(Wheel::class, 'cars', 'id', 'id', 'car_id',...
1 Laravel: Delete relationships 5 Laravel 5.1 Delete relationships 1 Delete the relations of relations in Laravel 5.2 1 Laravel 5.2 How to delete parent record from belongsTo relationship? 7 Laravel - how to delete polymorphic relations of model with belongsTo relation? 1 Delete all...
Create a new belongs to relationship instance. Parameters Builder $query Model $child string $foreignKey string $ownerKey string $relationName Return Value void in Relation at line 96 static mixed noConstraints(Closure $callback) Run a callback with constraints disabled on the relation....
Originally brought up and dismissed in #3052. (see for more examples) The HasManyThrough relationship can not be used in both directions. The simplest analogy is person a knows person b's phone number person b know's person c's phone num...
And then we can use that relationship in viewing the data, like this: {!! $product->category->title !!} But, getting back to the situation: if the category gets Soft Deleted (i.e. field deleted_at is not null), then that row wouldn't be returned with query. But you can simply...
If your relationship path contains the same model multiple times, you can specify a table alias (Laravel 6+): classCommentextendsModel{use\Znck\Eloquent\Traits\BelongsToThrough;publicfunctiongrandparent():\Znck\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToThrough{return$this->belongsToThrough(Comment::class,Comment::...